Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Inspiration Quick Tour and Webspiration

    The things that I find interesting about Inspiration is that a student is able to use technology and incorporate that in their everyday lesson plans. I believe that technology is important to use and a fun way to allow students to get involved and interact with other students. I would allow the class to use webspiration when doing a group project. This will allow them to get acquainted with technology while they interact with their classmates.
     The best writing activity that a teacher can use with these applications, is a research paper. Using this technology tool, a teacher can set up the classroom to discuss and share ideas with one another on time outside of the class time. A teacher should make it a requirement for the students to log on and give good feedback to their students and peers.When I had to teach a new topic I didn't know the topic better until after I taught it, because I had to do some research on the topic. When the students asked me about the topic I had to be aware of what I was teaching in order to answer the correct answer.
     Using these different technologies is a wonderful. I believe that students should have the opportunity to interact with other students on the computer. Inspiration and Webspiration is two different applications that are good to use in the classroom.

Jonassen, David H., and David H. Jonassen. Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008.


  1. I agree with your teaching style of letting the students use the programs in class to do group work and it lets them be socially active. What was your topic about when you first taught?

  2. Research paper is what I also said. It is the more common writing activity that requires the use of technology.

  3. I also believe that they will help to have the students study and help each other outside of the class room. Generally get them involved.

    Everett Wilder
